For healthcare professionals

Start: 19:30 29th June 2023
End: 20:45 29th June 2023

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How Preservative-Free Glaucoma Treatments Improve Ocular Surface Disease and Quality of Life for Patients

Glaucoma preserved treatments are associated with OSD and low QoL, leading to high non-adherence to treatment. In this webinar, Simon Dulku will discuss the importance of addressing these challenges and ways of improving adherence for long-term benefits.

Mr Dulku undertook his preclinical medical training at Cambridge University and his clinical training at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in London. He obtained his fellowship of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in 2011. Mr Dulku completed 2 years of fellowship training in Surgical Glaucoma at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London and was briefly a locum consultant there before taking up his post in Birmingham (Queen Elizabeth Hospital) where he was tasked with setting up a surgical and laser glaucoma service. Currently, Mr Dulku is leading in the implementation of a telemedicine solution for glaucoma to increase patient access to diagnostic tests.

Domains and learning outcomes:

Clinical practice

Specialty CPD

To understand how glaucoma preserved eye drops may impact various ocular structures and what are the clinical signs and symptoms.

An understanding of how preservative-free glaucoma eyedrops can improve tolerability and adherence, patients' ocular surface disease and quality of life.

1 CPD Point approved by the RCO

1 CPD Point approved by the GOC

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