For healthcare professionals

Start: 19:30 25th May 2023
End: 20:30 25th May 2023

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Lifting the Lid on Ocular Surface Disease

Prescribing in optometry is increasingly seen as helping support the NHS as well as supporting patients. With the prevalence of dry eye increasing year on year this session has been designed for delegates to understand how to diagnose and manage dry eye patients in practice and understand the ways to communicate effectively to ensure patient compliance.

Join Craig McArthur, with chairperson David Lockington, as he highlights key areas where being a prescriber can have important benefits for your patients and local service.

1 CPD Point Approved by the GOC

1 CPD point approved by RCO

Domains and learning outcomes


Practitioners will have an understanding on how to deliver good eye care and give advice to a patient presenting in primary practice with symptoms of dry eye disease. (s.2)

Clinical practice

Practitioners will have an understanding on how to determine dry eye using techniques and instruments and making a diagnosis for management and treatment plan for dry eye disease. (s.7)

Practitioners will have an understanding on the TFOS DEWS II report and where this fits in with the scope of clinical practice in diagnosing and managing dry eye disease. (s.5)

Practitioners will have an understanding on the step by step approach in managing and treating dry eye disease and keeping up to date with research and new advancements in technology. (s.5)

Specialty CPD - contact lens optician

Practitioners will have an understanding on how to determine dry eye using techniques and instruments and making a diagnosis for management and treatment plan for dry eye disease in contact lens wearers (s.7)

Practitioners will have an understanding on the TFOS DEWS II report and where this fits in with the scope of clinical practice in diagnosing and managing dry eye disease. (s.5)

Practitioners will have an understanding on the step by step approach in managing and treating dry eye disease and keeping up to date with research and new advancements in technology. (s.5)

Practitioners will be able to interpret the presenting symptoms of their contact lens patients with dry eye disease and blepharitis/MGD (s.2)

Specialty CPD - AS/SP/IP optometrist

Practitioners will have an understanding on how to determine dry eye using techniques and instruments and making a diagnosis for management and treatment plan for dry eye disease. (s.7)

Practitioners will have an understanding on what medicinal options are advised for those with Ocular surface disease and when and where to prescribe (S.5)

Practitioners will have an understanding on the step by step approach in managing and treating dry eye disease and keeping up to date with research and new advancements in technology. (s.5)

Practitioners will have an understanding on how to deliver good eye care and give advice to a patient presenting in primary practice with symptoms of dry eye disease. (s.2)

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