For healthcare professionals
Start: 19:30 30th November 2023
End: 20:30 30th November 2023
Mr Gok Ratnarajan BSc MBBS FRCOphth MD
Protection of ocular surface is essential for the good outcomes of glaucoma surgery. The type of eyedrops the patients use can have significant effects on different structures of the eye that lead to side effects and low adherence to treatment. Gok Ratnarajan will talk about his approach in managing patients with safer and more effective treatments using real patient case studies.
Mr Gok Ratnarajan is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon specialising in Cataract, Glaucoma and Anterior Segment Reconstructive Surgery. He is Director of Glaucoma Services at the prestigious Queen Victoria Hospital. Mr Ratnarajan graduated from University College London and completed his Ophthalmology training in Oxford. He has completed a MD research degree at The Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. This research led to improved safety and less waiting times for glaucoma patients in a multi-centre national study. Mr Ratnarajan is one of only a handful of surgeons world-wide who is fellowship trained in glaucoma, complex cataract as well as anterior segment reconstructive surgery. He gained this experience during his 3 specialist surgical fellowships at The Oxford Eye Hospital, The Western Eye Hospital in London and the world renowned fellowship at the University of Toronto, Canada, where he has learnt and developed many new glaucoma surgeries, some of which he has then pioneered in the UK.
Domains and learning outcomes:
Clinical practice
Specialty CPD
To understand the importance of a good ocular surface for good outcomes of glaucoma surgery.
To understand when is time for preservative-free eye drops, when is time for surgery and how you can prepare and preserve the ocular surface.
An understanding of how preservative-free glaucoma eyedrops can positively impact glaucoma patients.
1 CPD Point approved by the RCO