For healthcare professionals

Start: 19:30 24th November 2022
End: 20:30 24th November 2022


This webinar will walk you through a real-case scenario on how to clinically diagnose dry eye disease. and showcase the tests required to diagnose dry eye and extra tests to help you in the sub-classification of this disease.

Dr. Sònia Travé Huarte is a postdoctoral researcher and clinical optometrist, specialising in dry eye treatments, anterior ocular surface disease management, specialist contact lenses, Meibomian gland dysfunction and corneal pain. She is also a clinical supervisor on Aston’s optometry programme and gained her PhD in 2021 from Aston University in the UK. She is inspired daily by new treatment innovations, research and best evidence-base treatment care for her patients.

Target professional groups - Optometrist, Specialty Optometrist (AS/SP/IP), Dispensing Optician, Contact lens optician

Clinical practice

  • Practitioners will understand the criteria for diagnosing ocular surface disease and keeping up to date with research and technology. (s.5)
  • Practitioners will be able to understand the normal and abnormal appearance of the lid margins with reference to blepharitis and MGD. Clinicians will also understand how to express the meibomian glands. (s.7)
  • Practitioners will understand the use of different ocular surface staining agents, the normal and abnormal appearance and understanding the signs of dry eye disease (s.7)


Practitioners will understand which open questions to elicit information from patients about dry eye symptoms and how symptomatology questionnaires can be used in a clinical setting to gather further information. (s.2)

Number of CPD points: 1