For healthcare professionals
Start: 19:30 24th November 2022
End: 20:30 24th November 2022
This webinar will walk you through a real-case scenario on how to clinically diagnose dry eye disease. and showcase the tests required to diagnose dry eye and extra tests to help you in the sub-classification of this disease.
Dr. Sònia Travé Huarte is a postdoctoral researcher and clinical optometrist, specialising in dry eye treatments, anterior ocular surface disease management, specialist contact lenses, Meibomian gland dysfunction and corneal pain. She is also a clinical supervisor on Aston’s optometry programme and gained her PhD in 2021 from Aston University in the UK. She is inspired daily by new treatment innovations, research and best evidence-base treatment care for her patients.
Target professional groups - Optometrist, Specialty Optometrist (AS/SP/IP), Dispensing Optician, Contact lens optician
Clinical practice
Practitioners will understand which open questions to elicit information from patients about dry eye symptoms and how symptomatology questionnaires can be used in a clinical setting to gather further information. (s.2)
Number of CPD points: 1