For healthcare professionals

Start: 19:30 27th January 2022
End: 20:30 27th January 2022


(A)REDs to (Z)inc - a clinical overview of nutrition and the eye

Speakers: Dr Sandeep Dhallu BSc(Hons), MCOptom, PhD

Dr Sandeep Dhallu is currently a lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire. Previous to this she spent two years as a research fellow in Optometry at Aston University, as well as two years working within clinical research at Moorfield’s Eye hospital. She has an interest in ocular nutrition, dry eye, and contact lenses.

This is a lecture presentation, in which our speaker will explore evidence surrounding the benefits of nutritional intervention in eye health.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand and communicate the appropriate advice to patients about diet and eye health taking into account factors such as age, lifestyle and risk factors, existing disease, smoking, family history and medications.

2. Recognise that our own knowledge of nutrition and ocular health must come from an evidence based perspective, and appreciate our responsibility to keep up to date in order to ensure sound advice is given to patients

3. Gain an understanding of the role nutrition and smoking play in antioxidant defences and free radical production respectively, such that 'at risk' patients can be identified.

1 CPD point has been approved