For healthcare professionals

Start: 10:00 4th November 2022
End: 16:30 4th November 2022

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The purpose of the meeting is to bring ophthalmologists and allied healthcare professionals together for the purpose of education.

This event is for qualified health care professionals only. Please do not attend if you are not a qualified healthcare professional.

4 Interactive CPD Points have been accredited via the RCO (Royal College of Ophthalmologists) for Ophthalmologists

Chairs: Mr Mario Saldanha Singleton Hospital & Mrs Anjana Haridas UHW

Confirmed Speakers: Bita Manzouri, Laura Crawley, Mayank Nanavaty, Paul Chell & Yin-Horng Tham

St. Pierre Marriott hotel

St. Pierre Park

Near Chepstow

NP16 6YA


9.30am Arrival and Registration

10.00am Mr Mayank Nanavaty - Brighton & Sussex UH Management of acute corneal hydrops

10.30am Ms Bita Manzouri - Queen’s Hospital The Management of Ocular and Periocular Chemical Injuries

11am - 11.30am Tea and Coffee Break

11.30am Mr Paul Tomlins - Cheltenham General Management of Corneal Melts

12pm Mr Martin Watson – Moorfields Managing Microbial Keratitis

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Miss Laura Crawley - Imperial College Healthcare Trust Maximising the ocular surface to maximise treatment and service outcomes

2pm Mr Yih-Horng Tham - Singleton Hospital Pearls and pitfalls of OCT scans in Glaucoma

2.30pm - 3pm Tea and Coffee Break

3pm Miss Rebecca Ford - Bristol Eye Eyelid correction for protection of the Ocular surface

3.30pm Mr Simon Madge - Hereford County Hospital “Use your resources effectively…”

4pm Close